Ending the cycles of violence in the Middle East - FT中文网

Ending the cycles of violence in the Middle East

Only the promise of Palestinian statehood can offer the chance of a resolution

{"text":[[{"start":12.34,"text":"After more than three months of Israel’s devastating Gaza war, Arab states are developing a plan they hope will bring an end to the conflict and lay the foundations for a sustainable peace. "},{"start":21.694,"text":"At the core of the US-backed initiative is to offer Israel a prize it has long sought: the normalisation of relations with Arab and Muslim states, including the grand prize of Saudi Arabia. "},{"start":31.712,"text":"In return, Israel would have to commit to “irreversible” steps towards the establishment of a viable Palestinian state. "}],[{"start":38.489999999999995,"text":"The premise of the plan, which is expected to be unveiled within weeks, is simple. "},{"start":43.556999999999995,"text":"There can only be a durable peace in the Middle East if the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has fuelled instability in the region for 75 years, is resolved in a manner that delivers Palestinians the dignity, freedom and homeland they have long sought. "},{"start":56.699,"text":"But the challenge of securing any such agreement — something that has eluded some of the world’s sharpest diplomatic minds over the years — is anything but. "}],[{"start":65.28,"text":"For a start, there needs to be an end to Israel’s assault against Hamas in Gaza which has killed more than 25,000 people, according to Palestinian officials. "},{"start":73.997,"text":"The militant group must also release the remaining hostages held in the strip. "}],[{"start":78.97,"text":"That appears remote, however. "},{"start":81.387,"text":"Hamas is still fighting. "},{"start":83.129,"text":"And Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly rules out a permanent ceasefire deal with Hamas, even one that would secure the hostages’ freedom. "},{"start":90.859,"text":"He insists only the destruction of the militants can bring back the hostages and guarantee Israel’s security. "}],[{"start":97.43,"text":"Netanyahu also rejects any discussion on a two-state solution, even as the US and Israel’s other allies push for it as part of a longer-term political vision for the region. "},{"start":106.897,"text":"Indeed, he boasts of preventing the establishment of a Palestinian state during the 15 years he has towered over Israeli politics and overseen the creeping annexation of the occupied West Bank. "},{"start":116.839,"text":"On Sunday, he said he would not “compromise on full Israeli security control of all territory west of the Jordan River”, an area that includes the West Bank and Gaza. "}],[{"start":126.12,"text":"Netanyahu is not the only obstacle to progress. "},{"start":129.399,"text":"In a nation traumatised and enraged by Hamas’s horrific October 7 attack, it is unlikely that any mainstream Israeli leader is ready to advocate working towards a Palestinian state. "}],[{"start":140.09,"text":"There would also need to be a wholesale revamp of the failed Palestinian leadership, to produce one with the legitimacy to engage credibly with Israel and work to guarantee both Palestinians’ and Israelis’ security. "},{"start":150.869,"text":"Moreover, Hamas’s military capabilities have been severely degraded in Gaza but it will continue to work against a two-state solution. "}],[{"start":158.58,"text":"Still, for all the hurdles and pitfalls, it is vital to shift the Israeli narrative towards a sustainable resolution to the conflict. "},{"start":165.92200000000003,"text":"The prospect of Saudi Arabia, and other states, normalising ties with the Jewish state is one of the few incentives that could shift the mood. "}],[{"start":174.23000000000002,"text":"It will require a sustained and determined US diplomatic effort, as well as responsible leadership from both Israelis and Palestinians — all before the US presidential elections in November. "},{"start":184.52200000000002,"text":"As well as offering carrots, the US and European governments must also be willing to use their sticks to convince Israeli leaders that a Palestinian state ultimately serves their own interests. "}],[{"start":194.35000000000002,"text":"As challenging as it is, the only way to counter Hamas and the violent extremism it champions is if Palestinians have reason to hope for their future. "},{"start":202.06700000000004,"text":"Israel has dealt Hamas a severe blow but it cannot get rid of it as a movement or ideology. "},{"start":207.17200000000003,"text":"Only Palestinians can. "},{"start":209.002,"text":"If Israel’s leaders choose to ignore that reality, they are condemning their nation, and future generations of Israelis and Palestinians, to endless cycles of violence. "}],[{"start":217.86,"text":""}]],"url":"https://creatives.ftacademy.cn/album/139128-1705978546.mp3"}












