Kinky games and gothic horror — films to look forward to in 2025 | 2025年值得期待的电影:怪异游戏与哥特式恐怖 - FT中文网

Kinky games and gothic horror — films to look forward to in 2025

From Nicole Kidman’s erotic thriller to a Formula 1 epic and two takes on Frankenstein

‘The Brutalist’: a masterpiece of epic proportions


Adrien Brody in ‘The Brutalist’
阿德里安•布罗迪(Adrien Brody)在《粗野派》(The Brutalist)中

Film: The Brutalist

Director: Brady Corbet

Starring: Adrien Brody, Felicity Jones

Release date: January 24 (UK); out now (US)


导演:布雷迪•科贝特(Brady Corbet)

主演:阿德里安•布罗迪、费利西蒂•琼斯(Felicity Jones)


Depending on your bookie, you may only get very short odds on The Brutalist winning Best Picture at the 2025 Oscars. After a critical frenzy at film festivals, a robust awards campaign is now persuading Academy voters to free up the 215 minutes needed for director Brady Corbet’s maximalist portrait of genius at work. (A further 15-minute interval is non-optional.) 
But then everything about The Brutalist is bound up with scale, a biopic of fictional Hungarian-Jewish architect László Tóth (Adrien Brody), whom we meet in 1945 leaving the trauma of Europe for the gleaming postwar US. Seismic clashes await: America and assimilation; art and commerce; the knowledge that life only has room for so many near-four-hour movies even when hailed as a masterpiece.
然而,《粗野派》的一切都与规模息息相关,这是一部关于虚构的匈牙利犹太建筑师拉斯洛•托特(László Tóth)(阿德里安•布罗迪饰)的传记片。我们在1945年见到他,他正离开满是创伤的欧洲,前往光辉的战后美国。巨大的冲突在等待着:美国与同化;艺术与商业;以及意识到即使被誉为杰作,人生也只能容纳有限的近四小时电影。

‘Babygirl’: is the erotic thriller back?


Harris Dickinson and Nicole Kidman in ‘Babygirl’
哈里斯•迪金森(Harris Dickinson)和妮可•基德曼(Nicole Kidman)在《小心肝儿》中

Film: Babygirl

Director: Halina Reijn

Starring: Nicole Kidman, Harris Dickinson

Release date: January 10 (UK); out now (US)


导演:哈利娜•雷恩(Halina Reijn)



Can the erotic thriller really make it back this time? A guilty pleasure of the 1990s multiplex, the genre returned to screens last year with Fatal Attraction remade as a streaming series. The show was quickly cancelled — but the future looks brighter for Babygirl, precision engineered to inspire a billion commentaries on sex and the corporate landscape. 
情色惊悚片这次真的能重回观众视野吗?作为1990年代多厅影院的一种罪恶快感,这一类型去年通过《致命诱惑》(Fatal Attraction)重制为流媒体剧集重返荧屏。该剧很快被取消——但《小心肝儿》的前景似乎更加光明,它被精心设计成能激发无数关于性与企业环境的评论。
Nicole Kidman stars as a poised Manhattan CEO embroiled with a younger male intern (Harris Dickinson). As directed by Dutch filmmaker Halina Reijn, the rest reportedly brims with kinks and power plays, the retro vibe enhanced by strategic use of George Michael.
妮可•基德曼饰演一位沉着的曼哈顿首席执行官,与年轻的男实习生哈里斯•迪金森纠缠不清。在荷兰导演哈利娜•雷恩的执导下,影片据说充满了怪癖和权力游戏,并通过乔治•迈克尔(George Michael)的音乐策略性地增强了复古氛围。

‘Mickey 17’: the many deaths of Robert Pattinson


Robert Pattinson and Robert Pattinson in ‘Mickey 17’
《米奇17号》中的罗伯特•帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)和罗伯特•帕丁森

Film: Mickey 17

Director: Bong Joon-ho

Starring: Robert Pattinson, Naomi Ackie, Steven Yeun

Release date: April 18


导演:奉俊昊(Bong Joon-ho)

主演:罗伯特•帕丁森、娜奥米•阿基(Naomi Ackie)、史蒂文•元(Steven Yeun)


The Oscars of February 2020 were a late moment of business as usual before the Covid pandemic. But the film named Best Picture was an atypical winner: Parasite, the first movie not in English to claim the prize, a symphonic black comedy of class and imposture from South Korean auteur Bong Joon-ho.
Screwball sci-fi Mickey 17 is Bong’s first film since that night of triumph (and one which has been made in English). Robert Pattinson plays the title character — an artificial human helping to colonise a grim new planet, replaced with a clone each time he dies. But the movie offers a double dose of Pattinson — the star also plays Mickey 18, brought into being only to find his hapless predecessor still alive.

‘Hard Truths’: Mike Leigh returns to form


Marianne Jean-Baptiste in ‘Hard Truths’
玛丽安娜•让-巴蒂斯特(Marianne Jean-Baptiste)在《残酷的真相》中

Film: Hard Truths

Director: Mike Leigh

Starring: Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Michele Austin

Release date: January 31 (UK); out now (US)

电影:《残酷的真相》(Hard Truths)

导演:迈克•利(Mike Leigh)

主演:玛丽安娜•让-巴蒂斯特、米歇尔•奥斯汀(Michele Austin)


There was a time any preview of the year would invariably feature a new Mike Leigh film. The director was a figurehead of British cinema; he was also unfailingly prolific. And yet after a muted response to his 2018 historical recreation Peterloo, whether Leigh would make another film at all became a subject of debate. 
But life is cyclical as well as sweet, and excitement surrounds Hard Truths. The film finds the director reunited with Marianne Jean-Baptiste, who starred to great acclaim in his Secrets and Lies (1996). Now she plays a middle-aged Londoner beset by anxiety. The backdrop of the suburban capital is vintage Leigh, but reports suggest the film is the freshest thing he has made in years.

F1: time to make a Pitt stop


Brad Pitt and Damson Idris in Joseph Kosinski’s motor-racing epic ‘F1’
布拉德•皮特(Brad Pitt)和达姆森•伊德里斯(Damson Idris)在约瑟夫•科辛斯基(Joseph Kosinski)的赛车史诗《F1》中。

Film: F1

Director: Joseph Kosinski

Starring: Brad Pitt, Kerry Condon, Javier Bardem

Release date: June 25 (UK); June 27 (US)



主演:布拉德•皮特、凯瑞•康顿(Kerry Condon)、哈维尔•巴登(Javier Bardem)


The year’s first real blockbuster arrives in May with Mission: Impossible — The Final Reckoning. Given the title, Tom Cruise may never again do his own crazy stunts as super-agent Ethan Hunt. But if this is goodbye, the farewell party could be cut short at the box office by Joseph Kosinski, the blue-chip filmmaker who directed Cruise in Top Gun: Maverick.
明年的第一部真正大片《碟中谍:最终清算》将在5月上映。鉴于这个片名,汤姆•克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)在这之后可能不会再以超级特工伊森•亨特(Ethan Hunt)的身份亲自完成那些疯狂的特技。但如果这是告别,那么告别派对的票房可能会被约瑟夫•科辛斯基缩短,这位知名导演曾经执导了克鲁斯主演的《壮志凌云:独行侠》。
Now Kosinski has made F1, a motor-racing epic with Brad Pitt in front of the camera and massed bigwigs behind it. A first collaboration between Apple and Warner Bros, its producers include Hollywood veteran Jerry Bruckheimer and British champion Lewis Hamilton. The pitch promises unprecedented access to real-life circuits through a partnership with the sport’s governing body, the FIA. Forget ideas of an exposé, then — think chicanes at Imax scale.
现在,科辛斯基制作了一部名为《F1》的赛车史诗电影,布拉德•皮特担任主演,众多大人物在幕后支持。这是苹果(Apple)与华纳兄弟(Warner Bros)的首次合作,制片人包括好莱坞资深人士杰瑞•布鲁克海默(Jerry Bruckheimer)和英国冠军刘易斯•汉密尔顿(Lewis Hamilton)。影片承诺通过与该运动的管理机构国际汽联(FIA)的合作,提供前所未有的真实赛道访问。忘掉揭露内幕的想法吧——想象一下在IMAX规模上的弯道。

‘Michael’: Jackson biopic prompts questions


Jaafar Jackson as Michael Jackson in ‘Michael’
贾法尔•杰克逊(Jaafar Jackson)在《迈克尔》中饰演迈克尔•杰克逊(Michael Jackson)

Film: Michael

Director: Antoine Fuqua

Starring: Jaafar Jackson, Colman Domingo

Release date: October 3


导演:安东尼•福奎阿(Antoine Fuqua)

主演:贾法尔•杰克逊,科尔曼•多明戈(Colman Domingo)


Don’t take it as a recommendation, but people will certainly be talking about Michael in 2025. Musical biopics are about to be everywhere: Timothée Chalamet as Bob Dylan in A Complete Unknown, Jeremy Allen White playing Bruce Springsteen in Deliver Me From Nowhere. But particular scrutiny will fall on director Antoine Fuqua’s portrait of Michael Jackson. If you’re already taking a deep breath, join the club.
这不是一个推荐,但人们肯定会在2025年谈论《迈克尔》。音乐传记片即将遍布各地:提莫西•查拉梅在《完全未知》(A Complete Unknown)中饰演鲍勃•迪伦,杰瑞米•艾伦•怀特在《无处可寻》(Deliver Me From Nowhere)中扮演布鲁斯•斯普林斯汀。但特别的审视将集中在导演安东尼•福奎阿对迈克尔•杰克逊的描绘上。如果你已经在深呼吸,那么你并不孤单。
Of course, the question will be which Jackson Michael presents us with: the beloved pop savant brought low by rumours, or a man less unjustly accused. One clue may come with the cast list: the singer’s own nephew Jaafar Jackson will star. Another is at the top of the credits, with veteran producer Graham King having also made fan-friendly Freddie Mercury biopic Bohemian Rhapsody.
当然,问题在于迈克尔•杰克逊将以何种形象呈现给我们:是那个因谣言而声名狼藉的受人喜爱的流行音乐天才,还是一个不那么被不公指控的人。一个线索可能来自演员名单:歌手的侄子贾法尔•杰克逊将出演。另一个线索在于片头字幕,资深制片人格雷厄姆•金(Graham King)也制作了受到粉丝欢迎的弗雷迪•墨丘利(Freddie Mercury)传记片《波西米亚狂想曲》

‘Frankenstein’ and ‘The Bride!’: the next Barbenheimer?


Film: Frankenstein / The Bride!

Director: Guillermo del Toro / Maggie Gyllenhaal

Starring: Oscar Isaac, Jacob Elordi / Jessie Buckley, Christian Bale

Release date: TBC 2025 / September 26 (US)

电影:《弗兰肯斯坦 / 新娘》!

导演:吉尔莫•德尔•托罗(Guillermo del Toro) / 玛吉•吉伦哈尔(Maggie Gyllenhaal)

主演:奥斯卡•伊萨克(Oscar Isaac)、雅各布•埃洛迪(Jacob Elordi) / 杰西•巴克利(Jessie Buckley)、克里斯蒂安•贝尔(Christian Bale)

发布日期:2025年待定 / 9月26日(美国)

Ever since Barbenheimer, the film business has longed to matchmake again. Witness the attempt to sell November’s Gladiator II and Wicked as Glicked. But in 2025, the biggest chance for a splashy gender clash will come with twin riffs on the same giant of gothic horror. 
自从芭比海默以来,电影业一直渴望再次进行搭配。看看他们试图将11月的《角斗士II》(Gladiator II)和《魔法坏女巫》(Wicked)打包销售为“Glicked”。但在2025年,最有可能引发轰动性别对抗的机会将是对同一哥特式恐怖巨作的双重改编。
First, Frankenstein will be reimagined by Guillermo del Toro with Oscar Isaac as the doctor and Jacob Elordi as the creature, after years in development hell. Indeed, at one point del Toro planned to fold a retelling of Bride of Frankenstein into his film too. 
And yet that deathless chiller has now been remade as The Bride! with director Maggie Gyllenhaal giving life to her own glamorous cast: Jessie Buckley will play the reluctant sweetheart to Christian Bale’s monster. The stew is further seasoned by industry friction. Del Toro’s movie is made for Netflix, which also backed Gyllenhaal’s film until a dispute over budgets. Let the undead have at it.
然而,那部不朽的惊悚片现在被重拍为新娘!导演玛吉•吉伦哈尔为她自己的华丽演员阵容注入了生命:杰西•巴克利将饰演不情愿的甜心,而克里斯蒂安•贝尔则扮演怪物。这个大杂烩还因行业摩擦而更加复杂。德尔•托罗(Del Toro)的电影是为Netflix制作的,Netflix也曾支持吉伦哈尔的电影,直到因预算问题发生争执。让亡灵们来解决吧。

‘Jupiter’: homeland and the human condition


Film: Jupiter

Director: Andrey Zvyagintsev

Starring: TBC

Release date: TBC, 2025


导演:安德烈•兹维亚金采夫(Andrey Zvyagintsev)



Andrey Zvyagintsev is in exile. The brilliant Russian director now lives in Paris, having almost lost his life entirely. From the early 2000s onwards, visionary films such as The Return and Leviathan built into a stunning mosaic of post-Soviet Russia. Then, in 2021, Zvyagintsev suffered a reported adverse reaction to the Sputnik V Covid vaccine. He was hospitalised for a year, first in Moscow then Germany, where he was placed in an induced coma.
安德烈•兹维亚金采夫目前流亡在外。这位才华横溢的俄罗斯导演现在居住在巴黎,几乎失去了自己的生命。从2000年代初开始,他的《归来》《利维坦》等富有远见的电影,构建了后苏联俄罗斯的惊人拼图。然后,在2021年,兹维亚金采夫据报道对Sputnik V新冠疫苗产生了不良反应。他在医院住了一年,先是在莫斯科,然后在德国,在那里他被置于诱导昏迷状态。
But now the director is recovered and working again, with Jupiter announced as his first film since 2017’s Loveless. While Zvyagintsev has left Russia, the country remains foremost in his thoughts. The new film is the story of an oligarch whom the director describes as tied up with his homeland and the still greater puzzle of the human condition.

‘Die, My Love’: film legend Lynne Ramsay is back


Film: Die, My Love

Director: Lynne Ramsay

Starring: Jennifer Lawrence, Robert Pattinson, LaKeith Stanfield

Release date: TBC, 2025


导演:琳恩•拉姆齐(Lynne Ramsay)

主演:詹妮弗•劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)、罗伯特•帕丁森、勒凯斯•斯坦菲尔德(LaKeith Stanfield)


By the time the posters for comic horror Die, My Love go up, they will feature the faces of Jennifer Lawrence and Robert Pattinson — with Lawrence starring as a new mother in the grip of post-partum psychosis. 
But there will be those — me included — for whom the biggest draw of the movie is actually Lynne Ramsay, the mercurial but hugely gifted Scottish director making just her fifth film in a 25-year career. Ramsay may not have made many features since her indelible first, Ratcatcher — she has also never shot a dull image.

‘The Battle of Baktan Cross’: is Paul Thomas Anderson finally making a blockbuster?


Leonardo DiCaprio snapped filming in Los Angeles in what is thought to be ‘The Battle of Baktan Cross’
莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)在洛杉矶拍摄《巴克坦十字之战》时被拍到。

Film: The Battle of Baktan Cross

Director: Paul Thomas Anderson

Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Sean Penn, Alana Haim

Release date: August 8


导演:保罗•托马斯•安德森(Paul Thomas Anderson)

主演:莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥、西恩•潘(Sean Penn)、阿拉娜•海姆(Alana Haim)


At the time of writing, The Battle of Baktan Cross is still a working title. The movie also goes by the name Untitled Paul Thomas Anderson Event Film. That event could have a double meaning. For diehard fans of the American critical darling behind There Will Be Blood, any film he makes is exactly that. But his new project also seems surprisingly close to the “event movie” as defined by industry jargon — a blockbuster of the kind he has never come close to making before.
Slated for release in August, it finds Anderson nudging into box office high season, with Imax screens reportedly booked en masse. Further advance word is sparse, but the bare bones hint less at action spectacle than Martin Scorsese, with what appears an 1980s-set crime thriller starring Leonardo DiCaprio.
该片计划于8月上映,安德森正步入票房旺季,据报道,Imax银幕已大规模预订。目前的消息不多,但基本信息显示,这部影片更像是马丁•斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese)风格的1980年代犯罪惊悚片,而非动作大片,主演是莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥。

‘No Other Choice’: economic precarity turned murderous


Film: No Other Choice

Director: Park Chan-wook

Starring: Lee Byung-hun, Son Ye-jin, Cha Seung-won

Release date: TBC, 2025

电影:《别无选择》(No Other Choice)

导演:朴赞郁(Park Chan-wook)

主演:李秉宪(Lee Byung-hun)、孙艺珍(Son Ye-jin)、车胜元(Cha Seung-won)


Park Chan-wook was once synonymous with violence: the South Korean maestro with mayhem behind cult favourite Oldboy (2003). Since then, Park has kept making flawless films while dialling down the blood: The Handmaiden, a lushly subversive period piece; Decision to Leave, a beautifully sad crime drama.
Now, however, the axe is back. In Oldboy, the weapon was literal. In No Other Choice, it is the source material: the director adapting Donald E Westlake’s 1997 novel The Ax, a tale of economic precarity turned murderous. Our hero is a family man laid off after 25 years in one job who then seeks a competitive advantage in the labour market — by killing off rivals for interviews.
然而,现在斧头又回来了。在《老男孩》中,斧头是字面意义上的武器。在《别无选择》中,它是故事的素材:导演改编了唐纳德•E•韦斯特莱克(Donald E Westlake)1997年的小说《斧头》,讲述了一个经济不稳定转为谋杀的故事。我们的主人公是一位在同一工作岗位上工作了25年后被解雇的家庭男人,他为了在劳动力市场上获得竞争优势,开始杀掉面试的竞争对手。

‘Marty Supreme’: tale of New York table tennis star


Timothee Chalamet during the filming of ‘Marty Supreme’
提莫西•查拉梅(Timothee Chalamet)在拍摄《至高无上的马蒂》期间

Film: Marty Supreme

Director: Josh Safdie

Starring: Timothée Chalamet, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tyler, the Creator

Release date: TBC, 2025


导演:乔什•萨夫迪(Josh Safdie)

主演:提莫西•查拉梅,格温妮丝•帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow),造物主泰勒 (Tyler, The Creator)


Timothée Chalamet will follow his turn as Bob Dylan with Marty Supreme, in which, at last, ping pong becomes the subject of a major American movie. Thus far it is being discussed as not quite a biopic, but inspired at least by Marty Reisman, outsize legend of New York table tennis in the 1950s, when the story is set.
提莫西•查拉梅将在饰演鲍勃•迪伦之后出演《至高无上的马蒂》,这部电影中乒乓球终于成为一部重要美国电影的主题。目前,这部电影被认为不完全是传记片,但至少受到1950年代纽约乒乓球传奇人物马蒂•雷斯曼(Marty Reisman)的启发,故事背景设定在那个时代。
It also marks the return of director Josh Safdie, half of filmmaking unit the Safdie brothers. Together, the pair made Uncut Gems, the madcap 2019 one-off from which some of us have still only just caught our breath. Since then, his brother Benny Safdie has moved into acting, appearing in Licorice Pizza, Oppenheimer and more. But now Benny too is directing a sports-tinted solo debut with martial-arts story The Smashing Machine. Few siblings rivalries have promised so much.
这也标志着导演乔什•萨夫迪的回归,他是电影制作团队萨夫迪兄弟的一员。两人共同制作了《原钻》,这部2019年的疯狂之作让我们中的一些人直到现在才缓过神来。从那时起,他的兄弟本尼•萨夫迪(Benny Safdie)转向了表演,出演了《甘草披萨》、《奥本海默》等作品。但现在,本尼也正在执导一部带有体育色彩的个人首秀——武术故事《粉碎机》。很少有兄弟间的竞争能如此令人期待。
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